Association magazine
The association has a journal called “Energy Economics” that is published monthly in both Persian and English languages. It focuses on both small and large scale domestic and international energy issues, especially oil and gas, and has gained the attention of most energy sector managers and experts in the country. The Energy Economy journal is distributed not only in ministries (oil and power) but also to all relevant government and private companies, managers, experts, professors, and students. The association is proud to publish reputable articles in the field of energy and energy economics.
Interested individuals can submit their articles to the email address
Editor-in-chief: Morteza Bahrouzi Far
Internal Director: Samieh Kokabi
Oil and Gas Section Editor:
Industry Section Editor: Mohammad Abbasi
Transportation Section Editor: Shaqayeq Bayati
Electricity Section Editor: Rouhollah Hamidian
Construction Section Editor: Hossein Shenavai
Environmental Section Editor:
Report Section Editor: Amirhossein Hashemi Javid
Renewable Energy Sector: Samieh Kokabi
Legal Section Editor: Mina Royan
Editor: Leila Ghorbani
Subscription: Hamideh Nouri
Editorial Board Members: Mr. Mohammad Aghaei Tabrizi, Mohsen Ebrahimi, Hamid Abrishami, Ali Emami Meybodi, Mehran Amirmoeini, Mohammad Amiri, Faridoun Barkeshli, Morteza Bahrouzi Far, Afshin Javan, Seyyed Mohammad Ali Haji Mirzaei, Seyyed Gholamhossein Hasan Tash, Mohammad Bagher Hashemzadeh, Seyyed Mohammad Ali Khatibi Tabatabai, Naser Khiabani, Azizollah Ramazani, Mohammad Mozarati, Mohammad Hossein Mahdavi Adeli, Hossein Mirzaei
Download the publication file
You can download the PDF file of this and previous issues.