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Increasing the supply of water from dams in October

According to the economic reporter, Firoz Ghasemzadeh, the spokesperson of Iran’s water industry, while explaining the state of the reservoirs of the country’s dams from the beginning of the current water year to October 29, said: the input of the country’s dams has increased from 0.85 billion cubic meters last year to 1.12 billion cubic meters, which It shows a 31% increase in the input of dams in the country.

Regarding the output of the country’s dams, the spokesperson of Iran’s water industry also said: the output of the country’s dams has reached 2.52 billion cubic meters from 1.92 billion cubic meters in the last water year, which indicates an increase in the amount of supplying the needs of different parts of the dams compared to last year.

Qasimzadeh stated that the total volume of water in the country’s dam reservoirs was equal to 20.3 billion cubic meters on 29 Mehr 1402, and said: This amount was 18.06 billion cubic meters in the same period last year.

He pointed out that this amount is equivalent to 41% fullness and shows that the volume of water in the dams of the whole country is 12% more than last year.

October 22, 2023